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For postal mail delivery to individual faculty, please use the following address format:
    [Department Name]
    University of California
    One Shields Avenue
    Davis, CA 95616-5270

Anastasio Bailey Biello Cappa Chen Dillner Faloona Igel A Igel M Jin Kleeman Largier Monier Nathan Nguyen Oldroyd Paw U Sun Ullrich Wexler Zhang

1-anastasio.jpgCort Anastasio

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
3146 Plant & Environmental Sciences Building 
Office: 530-754-6095    Fax: 530-752-1552
Email: canastasio
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Tropospheric Chemistry and Tropospheric Chemist
Sc.B., Chemistry (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
Ph.D., Atmospheric Chemistry (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina)
Research Interests: Professor Anastasio's group explores the photochemistry of tropospheric aerosol particles, cloud/fog drops, and snow using laboratory studies. These reactions can be an important source and sink of pollutants that impact climate and human health. Projects explore the chemistry of anthropogenic air pollutants and the natural background atmosphere. Current research activities include measuring the generation of photooxidants in particles, examining the formation of aqueous secondary organic aerosol, and quantifying how nitrate photolysis depends on its chemical environment.


brian_bailey.pngBrian Bailey

Department of Plant Sciences
2021 Wickson Hall
Office: 530-752-7479
Email: bnbailey
Faculty Professional Page

Assistant Professor of Plant Sciences
B.S./M.S., Mechanical Engineering (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah)
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah)
Research Interests: The Bailey Lab is working to develop the next generation of high-performance computational tools that enable improved analysis and prediction of plant biophysical processes. We combine novel experimental and modeling approaches to conduct basic and applied research in plant productivity, water-use efficiency, microclimate, and micrometeorology. The lab is particularly interested in better understanding how plant structure and function impacts biophysical processes across scales.


jbiello.jpgJoseph Biello

Department of Mathematics
Email: biello 
Faculty Professional Page


Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests: I am interested in the structure of the partial differential equations which govern the dynamics of fluids. I am fascinated by wave phenomena in fluids - in particular in rotating fluid systems, of which Earth's atmosphere is our most important example.   

cappa.jpgChristopher D. Cappa

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Email: cdcappa 
Faculty Professional Page


Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests: Understanding how the properties of aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere vary in both space and time is of great importance owing to their influence on global climate, precipitation, visibility and human health. Research in the Cappa group focuses on characterization of the chemical, physical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols, both through laboratory experiments and field observations.

chen.jpgShu-hua Chen

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
235 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-1822
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: shachen
Faculty Professional Page 

Professor of Atmospheric Science and Mesoscale Meteorologist
B.S., Atmospheric Sciences (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
M.S., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana)
Ph.D., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana)
Research Interests: Dust and weather, hurricane, remote sensing data assimilation, microphysics, regional climate, air pollution, and model development.

dillner.jpgAnn Dillner

Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Office: 530-752-1124   
Email: amdillner 
Faculty Professional Page

Assistant Research Engineer, IMPROVE Program, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Southern Methodist University, 1989
MS, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1994
PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, 2000 
Affiliates: Atmospheric Science Graduate Group, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Research Interests:Particulate matter (PM) air pollution 
PM and visibility at National Parks in the US (IMPROVE)
Chemical characterization of PM including:
Analysis of soil and trace elements using XRF
Organic functional group analysis with FTIR Spectroscopy
Sampling, analysis and artifacts of organic and elemental carbon 

faloona.jpgIan C. Faloona

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
3138 Plant & Environmental Sciences Building 
Office: 530-752-2044
Fax: 530-752-1552
Email: icfaloona
Faculty Professional Page 

Professor and Bio/Micrometeorologist
B.A., Chemistry (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Ph.D., Meteorology (The Pennsylvania State University)
Research Interests: Interdisciplinary, observational approach ranging the globe and encompassing three principal areas –atmospheric photochemistry, marine biogeochemistry, and the turbulent dynamics of planetary boundary layers. Focus on bridging the fields of micrometeorology and chemistry in the atmosphere and ocean. Experimentation takes place on aircraft, ocean vessels, towers and in the lab using a wide array of optical and mass spectrometric analytical techniques.

Adele IgelAdele Igel

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
255 Hoagland Hall
Office: 530-752-1018
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: aigel
Faculty Professional Page 

Associate Professor of Cloud Physics
B.S. Meteorology (North Carolina State University)
B.S. Physics (North Carolina State University)
M.S. Atmospheric Science (Colorado State University)
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (Colorado State University)
Research Interests: Cloud microphysics; precipitation; aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions; climate change; cloud model development; atmospheric transport.

Matthew IgelMatthew R. Igel

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
125 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-6280
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: migel
Faculty Professional Page

Assistant Adjunct Professor of Cloud Physics
B.S. Meteorology (North Carolina State University)
M.S. Atmospheric Science (Colorado State University)
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (Colorado State University)
Research Interests: Clouds, extreme weather, tropical convection, remote sensing applications, and machine learning.

Yufang JinYufang Jin

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
133 Veihmeyer Hall
Office: 530-601-9805
Fax: 530-752-5262
Email: yujin
Faculty Professional Page

Associate Professor of Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Change & Assistant Environmental Scientist in the AES
B.S. Atmospheric Physics - Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China
M.S. Environmental Science - Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China
Research Interests: Remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems, crop monitoring and precision agriculture, fire disturbances, ecohydrology, climate-vegetation-humans interactions, biogeochemical cycles, fire and vegetation management, Geographic Information Systems.

kleeman.jpgMichael Kleeman

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
3125 Ghaussi Hall 
Office: 530-752-8386  
Faculty Professional Page


Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
B.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo
M.S. Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology
Research Interests: Urban and regional  air quality, climate change, air pollution and health.

largier.jpgJohn Largier

Bodega Marine Laboratory 
P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, CA 94923 
Office: 707-875-1930
Fax: 707-875-2009
Email: jlargier
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Coastal Oceanography
B.Sc. Applied Mathematics, Physics (University of Cape Town)
B.Sc. Hons. Applied Mathematics (University of Cape Town)
Ph.D. Oceanography (University of Cape Town)
Research Interests: Coastal oceanography, including wind forcing. Specific atmospheric interests include observations of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in coastal upwelling regions, seasonal and long-term variability in winds, and sea breeze effects. In the water, my interests include wind-driven mixing and how water-borne transport underpin environmental issues. My long-term goal is to better understand coastal ocean systems — to obtain an integrative view of how the diverse components, processes, and scales fit together.

monier_photo_small.jpgErwan Monier

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
247 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-754-1837
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: emonier
Faculty Professional Page

Associate Professor, Climate Change Impacts
M.Eng., Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics (National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, ENSEEIHT)
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science (University of California, Davis)
Research Interests: My research interests focus on climate modeling and uncertainty quantification, using a hierarchy of climate models and investigating the uncertainty in future projections of global and regional climate change and climate extremes. My interests also include climate impact assessment, using processed-based models, integrated assessment models and econometric impact models. My research aims at improving the modeling of the coupled human-Earth system, focusing on the Energy-Water-Land dynamics and on the interactions between climate change, air quality and health.

nathan.jpgTerrence R. Nathan

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
239 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-1609
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: trnathan
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Atmospheric Science and Atmospheric Dynamicist
B.S., Atmospheric Science and Mathematics (State University of New York, Albany)
M.S., Atmospheric Science (State University of New York, Albany)
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science (State University of New York, Albany)
Research Interests: My research is fundamental in nature and focuses on identifying and understanding the physical and dynamical mechanisms that govern the spatial and temporal evolution of large-scale atmospheric circulation systems. This research involves combining observations with advanced mathematical techniques to study the following: tropical- midlatitude interactions during El Niño and La Niña flow regimes; stability of geophysical fluid flows; nonlinear dynamics of atmospheric circulations; interactions among radiation, ozone and dynamics in the stratosphere; and the impacts of meteorological events on exploration, including the Lewis and Clark expedition.

nguyen_photo_small.jpgTran Nguyen

Department of Environmental Toxicology
4113 Meyer Hall 
Office: 530-752-5687
Email: tbn
Faculty Professional Page


Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Chemistry
B.S., Chemistry (University of Southern California)
Ph.D., Chemistry (University of California, Irvine)
Research Interests: Atmospheric oxidation mechanisms, aqueous and heterogeneous chemistry, organic aerosol formation, organic aerosol photochemistry, organic aerosol toxicology.

Holly J. OldroydHolly J. Oldroyd

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

3129 Ghausi Hall
Email: hjoldroyd (at) ucdavis.edu
Faculty Professional Page


Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests: My research interests include environmental turbulent flows as found in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere with a focus on water-land-atmosphere interactions.  Investigating surface exchanges of mass and energy improves our understanding of evapotranspiration, microclimates, turbulence intensity, and the transport of greenhouse gases or environmental pollutants.  I use field investigations, laboratory measurements, and numerical simulations to investigate fundamental turbulent transport dynamics, enhance model development, improve forecasting capabilities, and inform resource management strategies, with a focus on mountainous regions, urban areas and the transitional zones between them.

paw_u.jpgKyaw Tha Paw U

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
139 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-8172 and 530-752-1510
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: ktpawu
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Atmospheric Science and Biometeorologist
B.S., Geophysics (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
M.S., Biometeorology (Yale University)
Ph.D., Biometeorology (Yale University)
Research Interests: Biometeorology, micrometeorology, evapotranspiration, turbulence, aerosol physics, and boundary layer meteorology.

Maike SonnewaldMaike Sonnewald

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: sonnewalk
Faculty Professional Page

Assistant Professor
University of Southampton, UK.
Ph.D. Complex Systems Simulation through the National Oceanography Center
2006-2011 University of Southampton, UK.
M. Sci. magna cum laude, complex systems simulation, 2011
M. Sci. magna cum laude, physical oceanography, 2010
Research Interests: work uses dynamical systems and machine learning to study the ocean and climate.

Chijun Sun Chijun Sun

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
3131 Earth and Physical Sciences Building
Email: cjsun
Faculty Professional Page

Assistant Professor of Paleoclimatology
B.S., Geology (Tongji University, Shanghai, China)
M.S., Geology (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois)
Ph.D., Geology (University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas)
Research Interests: Dr. Chijun Sun’s research explores how and why climate has changed in the past to gain insights into future climate change. He utilizes a group of organic compounds called "biomarkers" retrieved from sediments to reconstruct past climate change. He also uses state-of-the-art climate models to simulate paleoclimates. Current research themes include orbital-to-millennial scale climate variability, large-scale ocean-atmosphere dynamics, paleo extreme weather and climates, and paleoclimate proxy development.

KosanaSuvocarev.jpgKosana Suvočarev

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
234 Hoagland Hall
Office: 530-754-1929
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: ksuvocarev
Faculty Professional Page

Biometeorology Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension
B.S. Agricultural Engineering, Department of Water Management, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
M.S. Agricultural Engineering, Department of Water Management, University of Novi Sad & University of Belgrade, Serbia
Ph.D. Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Research Interests: micrometeorological measurements for evapotranspiration and greenhouse gas emission quantification, water management, carbon sequestration, adaptive ("climate-smart") management solutions in agriculture, rice agriculture.


Paul A. Ullrich

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
251 Hoagland Hall
Office: 530-400-9817
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: paullrich
Faculty Professional Page

Professor, Regional and Global Climate Modeling
B.Math., Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Waterloo)
M.Math, Applied Mathematics (University of Waterloo)
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science and Scientific Computing (University of Michigan)
Research Interests: Regional climate change, variable-resolution climate modeling, changes in extreme weather under a changing climate, data analysis and processing, detection and attribution, data mining.


Anthony S. Wexler

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
Office: 530-754-6558  
Email: aswexler
Faculty Professional Page


Director, Air Quality Research Center and Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Land, Air and Water Resources

B.S., Engineering Physics (University of California, Berkeley)
M.S., Mechanical Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering (California Institute of Technology)
Research Interests: Focus on understanding the processes that transport and transform particulate pollutants in the atmosphere and in lungs and employment of experimental and modeling approaches. Focus is on urban and regional smog and global climate change. Experimental work includes developing new instruments and deploying them in the field, measuring airway changes due to air pollutant exposure, and imaging particle deposition in airways, for both air pollution and pharmaceutical applications. Modeling work includes simulation of particle dynamics in the urban and regional atmosphere, vehicle emissions, and deposition in human airways

zhang.jpgQi Zhang

Department of Environmental Toxicology
Office: 530-752-5779
Faculty Professional Page


Professor, Department of Environmental Toxicology 
Research Interests: We conduct field measurements and laboratory studies with a main goal to understand the chemical and physical properties, sources, and lifecycle processes of aerosol particles and fog/cloud droplets in the atmosphere. We also perform integrated analyses of worldwide aerosol mass spectrometry datasets to improve understanding and modeling of aerosol chemistry and climatology. In addition, we develop instruments and data analysis techniques to study the chemistry of organics in airborne PM and droplets.

Emeriti Faculty

cahill.jpgThomas A. Cahill

Department of Physics
Walker 105 
Office: 530-752-4674
Fax: 530-752-9804
Email: tacahill
Faculty Professional Page
DELTA Group Site

Emeritus Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Recalled Professor of Engineering, Head DELTA Group

B.A., Physics (Holy Cross College)
M.A., Physics (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ph.D., Physics (University of California, Los Angeles)
Research Interests: Environmental applications of accelerator beams (soft beta rays, ions, polarized x-rays, lasers, ...), atmospheric physics and chemistry, with emphasis on long range transport of aerosols and their radiative effects in the atmosphere. Including the health effects of very fine particles, including aerosols from the World Trade Center, and aerosol impacts on Lake Tahoe.

jjcarroll.jpgJohn J. Carroll

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
1110 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building 
Email: jjcarroll
Faculty Professional Page



Professor of Meteorology and Meteorologist
B.S. Geology (Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY)
M.A. Meteorology (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ph.D. Meteorology (University of California, Los Angeles)
Research Interests: Air pollution dispersion, chemistry and effects on natural ecosystems using coupled flow and chemical mechanism models and ground and aircraft measurements. Boundary layer meteorology, meteorological instrumentation, solar and infra red radiation.

flocchini.jpgRobert G. Flocchini

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
255 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-1018
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: rgflocchini
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Meteorology and Resource Scientist
B.S., Physics (University of San Francisco)
M.S., Physics (University of California, Davis)
Ph.D., Physics (University of California, Davis)
Research Interests: Transport of particulate matter especially with regard to agricultural sources; application of nuclear techniques to agriculture and environment.

grotjahn.jpgRichard D. Grotjahn

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
231 Hoagland Hall
Office: 530-752-2246
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: grotjahn
Faculty Professional Page

Professor Emeritus of Meteorology and Climate Dynamicist
B.S., Atmospheric Science (University of Washington, Seattle)
M.S., Meteorology (Florida State University,Tallahassee)
Ph.D., Meteorology (Florida State University, Tallahassee)
Teaching: Severe and Unusual Weather (ATM 10), Weather Analysis and Prediction (ATM 111, 111L), Computer Methods in Meteorology (ATM 150), General Circulation of the Atmosphere (ATM 240)
Research Interests: Extreme weather and climate events; synoptic/dynamic meteorology; climate simulation; general circulation and geophysical fluid dynamics; trends in climate indicators relevant to application sectors

reck.jpgRuth A. Reck

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
125 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-754-5669
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: rareck
Faculty Professional Page

Director, National Institute For Global Environmental Change (NIGEC)
B.A., Chemistry/Mathematics (Mankato State University, Mankato, MN)
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry (University of Minnesota)
Postdoc, Applied Mathematics (Brown University)
Research Interests: Global climate change: the processes defining the global energy and moisture balance, and the related impacts on the earth's climate and ecosystem. Atmospheric physics and chemistry and the relationship to the observed behavior of the atmosphere.

rhshaw.jpgRoger H. Shaw

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
1110 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building 
Office: 530-752-1130
Fax: 530-752-1552
Email: rhshaw
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Meteorology and Meteorologist
B.S. Physics (Liverpool University, England)
M.S. Meteorology (University of Toronto, Canada)
Ph.D. Micrometeorology (University of Guelph, Canada)
Research Interests: Atmospheric science with special interest in physical phenomena occurring at and near the surface; biometeorology and the interaction between the lower atmosphere and living material; surface microclimates especially those associated with vegetation; atmospheric turbulence; diffusion problems in the biosphere.

mlshelton.jpgMarlyn L. Shelton

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
1110 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building 
Office: 530-754-7699
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: mlshelton
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Atmospheric Science
B.S. General Science (Oregon State University, Corvallis)
M.S. Physical Geography (Oregon State University, Corvallis)
Ph.D. Geography (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)
Research Interests: Physical climatology and the time and space variation of energy and moisture fluxes; hydroclimatology; regional climate change; mesoscale effects of climatic forcing on the hydrologic system; drought occurrence and severity.

snyder.jpgRichard L. Snyder

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
243 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-4628
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: rlsnyder
Biometeorology Site

Biometeorology Specialist (Cooperative Extension), Land, Air and Water Resources
B.A., Mathematics (University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls)
M.S., Agricultural Climatology (Iowa State University, Ames)
Ph.D., Agricultural Climatology (Iowa State University, Ames)
Research Interests:Evapotranspiration measurements, crop coefficients, irrigation scheduling, water resources planning, frost protection, phenology.

Su-Tzai Soong

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
141 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-0684
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: ssoong
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Meteorology and Meteorologist
B.S. Meteorology (National Taiwan University, Taipei)
M.S. Atmospheric Science (University of Missouri, Columbia)
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (University of Missouri, Columbia)
Research Interests:Clouds and convection; mesoscale cloud systems; air flow over complex terrain; numerical models; heavy precipitation; regional scale climate change.

Ustin_photo3_small.jpgSusan Ustin

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
139 Veihmeyer Hall
Office: 530-752-0621 or 530-752-5092
Fax: 530-752-5262
Email: slustin
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Environmental and Resource Sciences
B.S. Biology (California State University Hayward)
M.S. Biology (California State University Hayward)
Ph.D. Botany (University of California Davis)
Teaching: Environmental Remote Sensing (ESM 186), Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing (HYD 286)
Research Interests:Remote sensing of fluxes of carbon and water in relation to environmental properties utilizing optical and thermal scanners; radiation interactions in plant canopies and application to atmospheric, hydrological and ecological problems.

weare.jpgBryan C. Weare

Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
247 Hoagland Hall 
Office: 530-752-3445
Fax: 530-752-1793
Email: bcweare
Faculty Professional Page

Professor of Meteorology and Meteorologist
B.S., Physics, Math (Bates College, Lewiston, Maine)
Ph.D., Biophysical Sciences (State University of New York, Buffalo)
Teaching: Global Climate (ATM 5), Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Cloud Physics (ATM 120), Radiation and Satellite Meteorology (ATM 128), Climate Dynamics (ATM 241)
Research Interests: Large scale ocean-atmosphere interaction; intraseasonal oscillation; global climatic change; satellite meteorology.