

Research is a major part of graduate education. In recognition of its importance, graduate student enrollment is limited to allow greater interaction between students and faculty. The faculty have a wide range of backgrounds and interests but six specialty areas can be identified as our primary research programs at present: atmospheric chemistry air quality; biometeorology and micrometeorology; mesoscale and boundary-layer meteorology; large-scale and climate dynamics; computational geosciences; and extreme weather. Cross-cutting these research areas is the study of climate change, which is ubiquitous in much of the research we perform at UC Davis.

The major links below summarize recent research by the listed faculty in each general heading. The links in parentheses go directly to a research interests statement by each person.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality

( Anastasio, Cappa, DillnerFaloona, JinKleeman, NguyenPaw UWexler, and Zhang )

Biometeorology and Micrometeorology

( Bailey, Faloona, Jin, and Paw U )

Mesoscale and Boundary-Layer Meteorology

( Chen, Faloona, Igel AIgel MLargier, and Paw U )

Large-scale and Climate Dynamics

( Biello, ChenGrotjahnNathan, and Ullrich)

Computational Geosciences

BielloChen, Kleeman, NathanPaw U, and Ullrich )

Extreme Weather

( Grotjahn, Igel MKleeman, Monier, Ullrich, and Nathan)

Climate Change Impacts

( Kleeman, Largier, Monier, Paw U, and Ullrich )